Baixe agora o app da Tribo Gamer Disponível na Google Play


brunofenix 07 Jan, 2014 04:24

gente pelo amor de deus! como eu faço pra tirar esse blur irritante do jogo?? ja fui nas configs do menu nao tem nada especificando essa ***** affff!! será q dentro das pastas do jogo poderei fazer isso manualmente ? ê onde ? me ajudem ae por favor! abrigado

Lamarckk 22 Nov, 2014 11:51

Address Unknown possui Afterfall InSanity Extended Edition 21 Set, 2013 às 11:20
How to disable Bloom, AO and Motion blur. Simple guide
Hi, to do this is reccomended to use Notepad++.

Here we go:
go to "Documents\My Games\Afterfall InSanity\RascalGame\Config" and open:
RascalCompat.ini; RascalCompat.ini and RascalCompat.ini
then go to "SteamApps\common\Afterfall InSanity\Engine\Config" and open:
then go to "SteamApps\common\Afterfall InSanity\RascalGame\Config" and open:

So you should have 5 tabs open in Notepad++. Press Ctrl+F, find "bloom" and then press Find all in opened documents.
Now you should replace every single instance of Bloom=True to Bloom=False. Save and do the same with the following search terms: "MotionBlur", "AmbientOcclusion" and if you want you can also disable Distortion and DepthOfField
